That’s the theory…recently we had an issue that our customers receive Order Note emails without notes implemented. Actually, instead of notes there were shown just two words: “lorem ipsum”? A…
Use this snippet to add a WooCommerce cart icon with the cart count to your theme. The number of items will be updated automatically with AJAX as items are added…
WooCommerce snippets in custom theme development Here is the list of woocommerce snippets that you may find useful during WordPress theme development:
After updating to 4.4. many of us have a problem with the new srcset attribute. The simplest and cleanest way to remove the responsive image support is simply to add…
Here is an if() statement that could checks if there are any previous or next posts, and only prints it out if there are: <?php if (get_next_post_link() && get_previous_post_link())…
Pretty basic question… next_post_link() displays a link to the next post. It’s first paramter allows you to wrap the link in markup, like this: next_post_link(‘%link’); But how do I actually…
WordPress Admin Area Customization You can use this snippet to remove the item from WordPress admin dashboard…just replace file URL to match your case: function remove_acf_menu() { remove_menu_page(‘edit.php?post_type=acf’);…
The simplest way to create your own sizes inside your child theme is to remove using “remove_theme_support” and set it again “add_theme_support” like following: function remove_featured_images_from_child_theme() { // This will…
Add this code in your plugin root file. It will prevent plugin updates notifications. add_filter(‘site_transient_update_plugins’, ‘remove_update_notification’); function remove_update_notification($value) { unset($value->response[ plugin_basename(__FILE__) ]); return $value; } Other…
Get Woocommerce Gallery Images : <?php global $product; $attachment_ids = $product->get_gallery_attachment_ids(); foreach(…